Local Hometown Specialties

The blessing of nature combined with traditional skills to create the state of local products

The large area of Shimonoseki City is blessed with products from the land and sea, and many local specialties are made by processing these products.

Products from the land in the City include yuzu (Citrus junos), shishinabe (a pot of boar with vegetables), dengaku (tofu and vegetables grilled with soybean paste), and fruits such as pears, strawberries and mandarin oranges.

Kikugawa citrus products Shishi nabe Dengaku
Kikugawa strawberries Hohoku pears Toyota pears

As for noodles, somen (fine noodles) in Kikugawa and kawarasoba in Kawatana are popular. In addition, you can find delicious cake named after Shimonoseki, folk craft products named after blowfish, and many other traditional craft products.

Kikugawa somen noodles Kawarasoba noodles
Blowfish lanterns Blowfish goods Blowfish whistles Blowfish kite Akamagaseki ink slab Joro dolls
Japanese sweets Japanese sweets Japanese sweets Japanese sweets Japanese sweets Japanese sweets Japanese sweets Kawatana hot spring buns